
Showing posts from 2006

Merry Christmas

Hello boys and gals, (I know this is a bit late, but..) I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas , I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year. At least I wasn't late for that last one eh? Cyber drinks for everybody! Thou shall not suffer. (All I want for Christmas is more comments on my litterature works :P). Regards, Ragnar

"The Retired Assasin" Part 6.

Its been a while since the last one, simply because I needed some time to picture how the battle would be. The sunlight started creeping over the nearing hills as Rendal planted his feet outside the tent, he clenched his fists and shouted "To arms my brethren!", after the echoes had retreated total silence replaced them, even the horses were silent, then the first warning came in, the howl of a shadowlurker sounded twice. Even if noone had heard the weak wardrums, nobody would ever have missed the penetrating howl, unless they were deaf. Somehow the camp started moving again, the howls had triggered a part of their minds were the only things that existed were warlust and obedience, total obedience. Everyone was getting ready for battle, saddling horses, preparing their armor, sharpening their weapons, eating and drinking, feeding horses and so on. The camp was now a stew of noice and shuffling, but due to effiency and discipline the camp was cleared up in less than twenty mi...

Completed open blog section of my site :D

Yes, I already know that I'm a very talented man, yes, thank you, no, do not praise me to much for my incredible work.. What is all this fuss about ? Well I managed to custom write a blog script for my use and apply in less than one day. Not only that, but I also had to mess with the design, and deal with minor(and huge) bugs as I kept going, but nontheless. Now I am done, finito, finished, my work is completed, now all I need is for someone to post something in my open blog, it will be seen rotating on blogsoldiers, blogexplosion and hopefully blogmad also. Index: Where you can post: Thank you for your time.. Will be back soon with some more extremely creative content :) Warm regards, Ragnar

A blogger's nightmare

Another day, yes, a new day, new opportunities, the world lays at your feet. But in fact it does not, the further you go into the presence of day, the more you feel that the world is definately not at your feet. In fact you start feeling that the world is as far away from laying at your feet as is possible for the world. So after having a meal for breakfast, that tasted lousy, you logged onto your computer.. Amazed you realize that your computer at least is working fine, the internet and all, so you try to log on to your blog to tell the world how your day is working out.. You trie once.. "Blog doesn't exist in our database." you try twice, "Blog doesn't exist in our database." and the third time you try, you allready know what is going to happen."Blog doesn't exist in our database.", you visit your own blog, and again it says. "Blog doesn't exist in our database.". You naturally assume that this is happening to everyone else usin...

Death, Really the end ?

It caught you didn't it, the title I mean, Death, this might help you understand why there is so much of just that in the media, would any of you've read on if it said "how to dust your chair properly"? Death, oh how it attracts humans' attention, we're like vultures lurking above looking for more of the dead. Its an amazing thing, death, how it affects the human mind in so many different ways. When you see a dead body you might be feeling in awe, utterly terrified and almost insanely intrigued at the same time. I believe that one of the reasons many people actually feel intrigued by dead bodys is that it is so uncomprehendable to us humans that something might make us dissapear without anything left. I'm not a christian or a buddhist or a muslim, and I've got no grudge towards them(or people who follow any other religious direction), their way of living, or their beliefs, I consider myself a mix of an atheist and an agnostic, since none of the religi...

A thread of hope prologue, what do you think?

Warning: Long post, (and for those who worry about such things, I'm told that this is pretty "heavy" fantasy writing.) At last I decided to just put up the whole prologue of my upcoming book (A thread of hope.. Oh you guessed that already ? Well.. whatever!) and (of course) I want to know what you think of it... Its a pretty long read I guess.. Anyway, good luck! :-) Prologue of «A thread of hope» Part 1.«The crystal tower» A mild south east wind blew slowly throughout the charred town, and spread the macabre smell of death and ashes through the windows of the few houses left intact. It was placed around the top of a scorched round hill, was about 2000 feet east, west, north and south, it was surrounded by a wooden palisade, and the top was surrounded by 20 feet tall reinforced granite walls. The streets were literally soaked with blood, crushed coal lay spread on top, and to make matters worse, random body parts lay everywhere. This left the road looking like a river of ...

Whoah, a new post..

I don't know whats happened to me but I find that I have a lot less energy to do the things that I do in a day, and because my life is as hectic as it is somehow I manage to prioritize in a way that puts blogging far down the list. I say again, that this is not because I don't like my blog, or to post, but simply because I have other priorities.. I already feel a bit more cheery.. (Seriously) Important psychological question: Well I've just been doing a bit of thinking on this subject lately, and I can't help but wonder if men and women experience love for each other differently.. I do not intend to turn all "soapy" on you, and I hope you can see the philosophical value in discussing such a subject, so that you will allow me to go on without pressing the "x" formed button to the top right.. The downside is, that it is very difficult to prove that Men and Women experience love differently, or the opposite, because of the difficulty of actually express...

Poetic Tuesday Poem.

The strongest's right. The moon rose up to illuminate the trees, Little did the small birds know. That they were about to be killed, by just one killing blow. When the moon was on the peak of its course on the cloudless sky. The birds were all dead, but had got no time to dread, or not even to wonder why. But why would someone want to kill, some birds that had done nothing wrong. The wrongdoer must be weird? Or maybe even feared? Perhaps seen in a human throng? The wrongdoer was not weird and never feared, but in his eyes his actions were his right. The strongest's right was what he callled it, he would have the king to be the best to fight. The inventer of this, discussed little thing, called the strongest's right. He was not even large, not close to strong and far from what is called bright. But one thing he did, though stupid it was, he invented "the strongest's right". So watch your mouth then, and lock all your doors, and seal your windows tight. Noone wi...

"The 'Retired' Assasin" Part 5.

I realize that the spaces of time between my posts has been increasing lately and I'm going to put this straight.. I like blogging, I won't stop if i can help it, at least not for a while, but somehow the free time needed for blogging has eluded me. Either I've been to tired or to busy or to sick to get myself to sit down in front of my computer and concentrate on writing a post. I've noticed another upside to keeping my blog alive, even when I don't bother putting any effort into an english assignment I never get grades worse than B+ so needless to say I am quite satisfied by that. And now (*insert "To the moment you've all been waiting for" in a 'TV voice' here*) "The 'Retired' Assasin Part 5" Will unfold below. The so called "Beast" vas sitting at a small wooden table in a large tent, the fire in the middle of it was burning low, and because of the retreating darkness it was easy to tell that it was nearing dawn. ...

Poetic Tuesday Poem.

The sun went down And sat a golden crown Upon the mountains in the west. The jagged spires, Looked like fires, Upon the mountains in the west. The creatures saw, And gaped in awe, Upon the mountains in the west. The free man saw, And noticed a flaw, Upon the mountains in the west. As snow did melt, The sun was felt, Upon the mountains in the west. The water found a way, To avoid the mountain stay, Upon the mountains in the west. As the water rushed down, To escape the golden crown, The mountains they fell, Almost creating hell, Oh yes they fell, They crashed down I can tell. The mountains in the west.

Poetic Tuesday.

Poetic Tuesday: "Rules": Be poetic, your poem does not have to rhyme or have any rythm as long as you judge it to be a poem. (link to banner image below the text.) Poetic tuesday is meant as an effort to help people discover just how creative they can be, and just how talented they are at writing poetry. Of course we have our own banner to go with it ^^ Link to banner. Now Be poetic and creative.. Sincerely, Ragnar.

"The 'Retired' Assasin" Part 4.

This is Part four of the story I have chosen to temporarily call "The 'Retired' Assasin", ultimately that will be the name of the first chapter, but until I find another title for the story, it will remain named "The 'Retired' assasin". "The 'retired' assasin" Part 1 link. "The 'retired' assasin" Part 2 link. "The 'retired' assasin" Part 3 link. At this time the so called "Beast" was ravaging large parts of Rolega, one of the "Civilized States", it was rumoured that this was one of the huge barbarians that were living north of the border, and given the fact that Rolega was indeed the Civilized state placed north of all the others, that he drank blood and dressed in skin from the creatures he slay, be it man or bear or wolf. The facts in this matter was of course incredibly different from what the rumours would have told as true, and as the "Beast " progressed further ...

Latest news.

For those who have turned reading my blog into a daily or semi-daily/weekly habit, it may seem that I have deliberately eluded posting anything to my blog due to not being interested in it at all. This however is not the case, I have been away from "cyber space" because I was visiting some relatives that does not have a computer with internet connection, so I have simply been unable to post something or fix anything on my blog. But even before I left, a lot of time passed betweend the posting of each post , due to my striving to make my blog better. Sadly I have to say that this was a bucketful of wasted effort as I used my time to think of a new slogan or background or minor details about my blog's design instead of filling up my blog with content. As it is I'm planning to post at least another part of "the 'retired' assasin" series and fix the contents of the the first three parts of it. Sincerely, The president of the UPD (United Posts of Dust ...

The retired assasin Part 3

I've been very tired lately. So I've not had the energy to sit down, and write something over a long period of time. I've been having friends over a lot too, so... "The 'retired' assasin" Part 1 link. "The 'retired' assasin" Part 2 link. The Retired assasin was now watching the large man closely. He thought "Thats not how you really look fella.." , he just knew that the man he saw was an illusion, there could be no other reason for the guys with the "orders" to pay him a visit. He decided that it had to be someone he knew or once had known, and as he did the illusion was no longer what his eyes saw. His eyes was now studying the confusing process of the illusion's self destruction, at first, it switched back and forth between what the object/person really looked like faster and faster, and when it started to switch back and forth so fast that you could only see a blur, then the blur turned back into the illusion an...

"The 'retired' assasin" Part 2.

I mentioned in my last post that my creativity was back, and this is one of the many results as a cause of that. "The 'retired' assasin" Part 1 link "The 'retired' assasin" Part 2. The assasin looked at the large, well-built man standing in front of the splinters left of his door. He quickly twirled his knives and hid them in his sleeves with amazing speed. "King, me?" He said incredolously and laughed. "I can barely afford to live in this simple hut, or do they by any chance call this a palace where you're from?" He continued slowly in a farmer's accent. The large man burst out in laughter. "Not that kind of king, for quite a long period a time, a little while ago, you were known as 'The king of Shadows' but the fact that we found you hidden here, tells me that you were not worthy of such a glorious title." The large man said, eyening the sleeves of the retired assasin briefly. "Another assasin...

The creativity is back I think

Today I've been having lots of new Ideas on stories thats "in the workshop".. I feel the urge to continue some of the stories I've started during my time blogging over here, so I'll try to continue something and I'll be back later.. I hope.. Sincerely, The President of The UPD (Translation UPD = United Posts of Dust on a Dusty Road)

My day/Disturbing Poll results!

I've been redoing the whole site and adding new sections to the site, at for most of the day and you can of course check it out, we are not trying to insult anyone with the use of the domain name or anything, we only have the domain name because we just call ourselves the Retardus team. Other than that I've made myself dinner, been out cycling and watched booring shows on the television. Now.. To the poll results. To tal Number of Votes: 69 A total of 51 out of 69 considered themselves to be intellectual, which is quite good, given the fact that they really are intellectual, 12 said NO which is allright, the question was about what they considered themselves to be, not what they really were, and 6 were Not sure, which is NOT all right under any circumstance, to answer that you are not sure on a question like this is like Screaming "I'm STUPID" to an audience, you should be glad that I didn't log your Name, IP and regular Adress, and se...

My day..

Well.. I have to post something on a regular basis to keep this blog alive, but yet again, my creativity seems to have left me for the day at least.. It seems I am too busy with other matters in my life to use my imagination to something as time consuming as writing or thinking out some story. Its pretty irritating I can tell you that.. Trying to concentrate on the writing exactly when something else pops into your brain. Thinking "Then what happens next?" and suddenly "Why did that happen?" about something different entirely.. I've also had a friend over, we ate, played some computer multiplayer games, and watched a rental.. Thats my "today".. How was yours?

Foad thursday..

The flames will consume our world wide and whole. And the hounds of the devil will steal away your soul. The way to survive the fires of hell, Is hidden away and where, no one can tell. The flames will devour and burn every creature. When your face melts away together with each and every feature. When each and every fool of the world die an agonizing death. The devil shall schorch them with his fiery breath.

9/11 Poem..

A drop of water fell silently through the air, allthough it was falling, there was no sign of anything anywhere near it, so it might as well have been standing still. What gave the movement away, was the disturbance on the drop's, otherwise perfect surface, caused by the tiny resistance that the air around it offered. The light of a rising sun caused the drop of water to glow red and the red color spread throughout the drop as the surface rippled and the shining light reflected upon the single straw of perfectly green grass that was placed in the middle of a gold wasteland mainly consisting dirt and jagged rocks, allthough the one straw of grass seemed tiny in comparision to the rest of the wasteland, it was clear that the one drop, the one red drop, of water was heading towards the one straw of grass placed in the middle of a gold wasteland. The drop continued to fall silently towards the straw of grass, and when drop and straw met, not a whisper of a sound was created, because th...

The morals of rich corporation owners equals nothing.

Some people do not own morals. They are simply not blessed with such a humanly thing as humanity.. They seem to be unable to add other people into the image of their world. Anyhow.. I'm not talking about most people, just some people, like for example The Coca Cola company ruins water resources in India, even though they made an agreement to preserve exactly the same resources. This is just one example of companies that values morals the same as they value a piece of dogshit.. How would you like to drink water filled with acids and garbage from a Coca Cola factory? And to work there only to be paid a 10th of the amount of a normal american citizen? How would it make you feel, that the factory that was placed near you broke all the requirements that were required for it to stay there in the first place, and that the only reason it was still there was because the factory's owners bribe the local politicians to speak in the factory's favor? If you leave powerful people unchall...

Happy birthday to me../Open post(Yes again..)

Yes, today the 10th of september is my birthday, and forgive me for not Writing my 9/11 tributes today, but I want to stay happy to some extent.. I will not tell you how old I am, I can quite honestly say that I'm very young, and I'll leave the rest for your imagination and the picture of me you can base on previous posts. I don't have time to post much more today, because some friends are coming down any moment, after that we'll get over to the cinema or rent some movies, so I'll leave most of the writing for my visitors today. Please feel free to spit out your political opinions, or rants about the big companies, or tell us how stupid celebrities are.. All thats left for me to say now, is Have a nice day, and if you are mourning lost ones, I hope all the nice tributes out there in the blogging world will help you get through the day. And that I'll be back to post something of more creative and intellectual substance later :) I realize now that today is not the...

The dilemmas of life../Open Post

Have you ever had the feeling that if you took the opportunity and did what you really wanted, it would have dire consequenses later on in your life? (I feel like that all day long, I mean, I wanna kill all those bastard arrogant teachers that think they're smarter than me, but I refrain from doing so simply because of the cosequences.. I'm actually quite proud :p) Its not always about as dailyday things as wanting to kill your teachers though, you might for example, get a new job offer, or get a publishing offer from two publishing companies.(or having to choose between two of your favourite dinner choices.. :D) This is actually my first open post, simply because I want to post SOMETHING in my blog today but I'm at what I call, a Creative breakdown.. Which means.. "I DON*T HEAR THE RHYMING VOICES IN MY HEAD ANYMORE"(buhuu).. Anyhow, I want to hear a little about your dailyday dillemas, or out of the ordinary dilemmas, and if you have a post on the dilemmas of lif...

Foad thursday inspired poem.

The fools of the world, are still waiting to be killed. The fires of hell are not easily chilled. To escape, you must know that the answer is simple. Just believe in god, and praise each and every pimple. If you believe that, then you are one of the fools, To escape the devil, you must be more than just cool. The mind is needed, in a fiery maze. And when your friends dissapear without one single trace. To escape, you must outsmart the evil being. That can destroy whatever you are seeing. To escape, you must jump over fires, mile high. There is no other way, unless you just won't die. To escape the devil is impossible, but you can at least try..

"The 'Retired' Assasin" Part 1

An owl hooted, as the sound of steps neared a small clearing, in the midst of a dense oak forest. The clearing was about 20 paces accros, and formed in an almost perfect circle. The clearing was floored with grass, and the only tree was standing almost in the middle, to the left of a small house. The house was made out of solid wood, was unpainted, only one floor tall, had 2 small windows, and a massive front door. The house was what in those days were called, a forester's hut, it was a simple building, where men or women could live in pact with nature, and live on the fruits given by mother earth's generousity. But, this perticular hut, was not the home of such a peaceful creature. This was the home, of one of the most wanted men in the history of crime, the master of assasination, now retired, with a name, only his closest friends knew, all others, feared and knew him as, the king of shadows. He had once speacialized in sneaking up behind his victims, pricking them on the ar...

"Sneak Preview" A thread of hope.

Its a few days since I've posted anything creative so I thought I'd give you a sneak preview of the 1st part of my upcoming novel 'A thread of Hope' A mild south east wind blew slowly throughout the charred town, and spread the macabre smell of death and ashes through the windows of the few houses left intact. It was placed around the top of a scorched round hill, was about 2000 feet east, west, north and south, it was surrounded by a wooden palisade, and the top was surrounded by 20 feet tall reinforced granite walls.. The streets were literally soaked with blood, crushed coal lay spread on top, and to make matters worse, random body parts lay everywhere. This left the road looking like a river of bloody and chunky meat soup, spiced with pepper. The houses that were standing were literally falling apart, and all walls were charred black. However there where two locations that stood out from the devastated town. One, a humongous castle surrounded by granite walls, which...

Why it seems like fate exists sometimes...

Imagine.. All the people in the world is like one giant pond, almost running out over the top of an edge. Where every event is a wave of air brushing the pond, Its strength determined by the event's importance. So lets say an earthquake hits San Fransisco right.. Then a wind would start disturbing the water,(a strong wind) and the wave's would spread throughout the pond, disturbing almost everything in its way, The seriousness of the disturbance decided by how close the location was to the wave of air. So if events decides how still or troubled the waters are, Then your ability or inability to affect others, depends on the water being still or troubled. What I'm trying to say is, Your life is as much controlled by incidents elsewhere, or actions/choices made by others, as by the actions/choices made by yourself. It really is kinda creepy huh? Its like a 50/50 shared responsibility for the happenings throughout your entire life. Your own death is not entirely your fault, eve...

Dusty Carnival for Quality writing.. Launched.

I've managed to launch my own blog carnival at: Please pay it a visit if you have quality writings written by yourself of any kind, If it is an article, rant, regular blog post, short-story, or whatever.. If it is any good, it is in.. Contributing will not only qualify you as a good writer, but help to get you more readers, and link popularity.

Anniversary! (One month.)

My month is finally 1 month and 21 posts older. I celebrate this with my flashpowered cartoon.. Sauron VS. Dust on a Dusty Road Part 1. Hope you find it amusing lol.. :P The drawings sux though.. They are meant to.. (Or are they??)

8 Reasons that explain,Why I write

(And why you should, if you do not..) 1.Writing allows me to escape from the hindrances that exist in real life, Racism, idiocy, insults, shallow people, everyday irritating things that makes life So much worse, than it could have been. 2.It allows ME to choose what happens to person. 3. It allows me to let out my emotions, without hurting anyone that i care about, 4. It allows me to do what I want with "my world" instead of being pulled around by events around me with the scary feeling that "fate" actually do exist. I have a theory on why it seems like fate exists too but i'll get back to that later.. 5.It also allows me to tap into a world without boundries, a world where I make the rules, a world where everything my fantasy produces can be played into life, without anyone being hurt, emotionally or physically. 6. It allows me to do something else than waste my time in front of the tv or playing computer games when I'm bored and the weather is horrible. 7....

Its official:

That I'm a Blog junkie! That this blog makes you intellectual: That i have a personal seal.(DoaDR = Dust on a Dusty Road) And that these movies are extremely funny: Ze lord of ze rings: how it should have ended Ze Zuperman Returnz: how it should have ended Zeven: how it should have ended Ztar Warz IV: how it should have ended Just a quick break from watching howitshouldhaveended movies ;)

Best of Dusty Poetry and Conspiracy theories.

Dusty Poetry: ........................... The Devil's Try. ..................... .. The sky did fall unto the ground, as the master of night released his hound, The prey he sought, was not of men, but of the ideas that guided them. Creatures of such ideas fell, into the killing heat of hell. Why us ? They thought. We could have fought, We could have won, We could have run, The thought had visited more than one. Time did pass, as birds did fly. Walking the eagle had to try, The sky was black, night and day Which it was, none could say. The earth was hell, The humans fell, The creatures that sought the same as well, An end to pain, was all they sought. Ideas, began to be forgot. As soon it'd come, as soon it went. The hell on earth, the devil had sent. The trouble was, the devil thought. With life destroyed, who would he have fought? © Ragnar, The owner of this Blog. .............................................................. Dusk to Dawn. This state of day looked almost drawn...


"Network error," "Page does not exist" "Page has no content" "Server error" The list goes ON! Can anyone tell me WHAT THE HECK is going on ? AND the countless list of errors repeats itself, by the hour!?!? Are they trying to rid themselves of all users and make it a paid service or what?

The Random Blogs projects.

(No this is not a technical blog for the most part) But.. Yes.. I made a script.. Hah! But serious, I made this script as a project to help small blogs get more traffic, by displaying 1 random link on a network of blogs.. It's like charity man.. But for this to work, I need your help.. (YES YOURS!*pointing my long crooked finger at you*) I need you to click(difficult right?) "add your link" in the "Random Blog Links" section of the sidebar put the Iframe script on your blog, then add your own link :D I will check the links added daily, and add a confirmation system when I can figure out how to make it fit. Hopefully, this will cause good but unknown blogs, to receive the amount of readers they deserve. Example if you can't see it in the Sidebar section:

Do what YOU want, not what THEY want you to.

Dedicated to all Bloggers: The road you walk, May not be easy. And your stomach may be queasy. Your quest have to be kept in mind, And follow neither before or behind. The dead do live even after death. After their so called "last-breath". But life when there, is not the same. They know no love, or light, or shame. The dead do live but in what form? The sight will cause your brain to storm. But now I live, and so i think. The politicians now, of greed they stink. So keep in mind, your goal still clear. Or else, you might get lost I fear. Walk down your road, for your own sake. Follow others and your world will shake. Express your feelings, right then and there. If not, the pain through your brain will sear. So write it down and spread the word. And let if fly just like a bird.. © Copyright 2006 Ragnar - The owner of this blog.

Spread the word!

If you like the poll, copy it to your blogg by clicking "add to your blog" and following the instructions there! Let the big guys know that we do not like them!Put this script on your site:

The ramblings of an old man.

The old man lay upon the floor, The young man stood at the door. My son, The old man said, He looked at him in dread. I'm dying my friend, but I'll be born again, An for those who may be bound, I leave this wicked ground. For those who fear in dread, the terrors of the dead, Its all a simple lie, That it is bad to die. For The one's who's left behind, See the world as kind, For those who left you will, Live beyond here still. Their thoughts will still be born, And useful things be bred. Even though, its not in flesh, Ideas can still be spread. For those who live here still, Stay true in heart and will, And face the hardest life, With honesty or knife. For the afterlife is the same, Whether you die in peace or pain. To be continued later... P.S. Vote for me in the battle

Dusty Award update: New design! (Improved)

So I have updated the Award design to the better.. Minerva won because of her modernistic unique design, and her skilled, beautiful writing.. View it in full format here!

Interesting sites..

Ronald Mcdonald and Hummer has made a business deal, so that "Happy Meal" (more like "Happy Poison") includes a mini-version of a Hummer as a toy. Make your own funny McD signs and file a complaint at: RonaldMcHummer ....................................... Blogexplosion , has been amazingly improved since last time I used it(which ended in a series of events that made me leave it). Now you have all these new (and cool) features, like renting away advertising on your blog against credits, having a blog battle and much more.. .......................................

Giant Blogs displaced?

Guess what ? Todays post is about Giant Blogs that (has been displaced) (or a huge conspiracy that sets out to control who people vote for) ?/(what do you think?) Well I was going to surf my "almost-daily" session today, when suddenly, a custom designed Giant blog appeared the Colored lines. .......................................... Translations for the more/less technical knowleged of you: (Giant blogs = Custom designed, member of a blog corporation, amazingly many visitors and commented like hell) (In between the colored lines = In the blogsoldiers surf frame) ........................................... And my first thought was "What the heck is a custom designed, member of a blog corporation, covered with a huge and expencive advertisement skyscraper section doing in Blogsoldiers? I thought this was where blog started receiving visitors, and hell these guys where probably making their living from it. I did not for one second even consider the optio...

Dusk to Dawn

This state of day looked almost drawn. When dusk turned slowly into dawn. With clouds of pink and white and gray. The sky the blue of a summer day. The sun that slowly rose, seemed too shout 'here's dawn'. And when it neared the lingering clouds the colors seemed to storm. The waves of green, topped with white. Witnessed the breathtaking sight. As dusk turned into dawn. Text: © Copyright Ragnar, The owner of this Blog.

The Devil's try.

The sky did fall unto the ground, as the master of night released his hound, The prey he sought, was not of men, but of the ideas that guided them. Creatures of such ideas fell, into the killing heat of hell. Why us ? They thought. We could have fought, We could have won, We could have run, The thought had visited more than one. Time did pass, as birds did fly. Walking the eagle had to try, The sky was black, night and day Which it was, none could say. The earth was hell, The humans fell, The creatures that sought the same as well, An end to pain, was all they sought. Ideas, began to be forgot. As soon it'd come, as soon it went. The hell on earth, the devil had sent. The trouble was, the devil thought. With life destroyed, who would he have fought? © Ragnar, The owner of this Blog.

Dusty Blog of The Month Award..

I decided to make my own blog of the month award. And I am proud to present that this month's winner is Minerva's blog: A woman of many parts.. Because of the quality of her writing and the incredible design.. Dusty Blogs of past months: *None yet*

The Man of The Mountains (unedited version)

Tiny drops of sweat beaded on a huge man’s forehead. He stood in the middle of a humungous mountainside. The man was young, almost in his middle years, he had black hair, cut short, which he never could quite restrain from looking rough, and green eyes. His body was muscular, his arms looked like very thick ropes, and his shoulders were broad. His chest was large, covered up in muscles, and his legs looked like they should belong to a bear. He wore plain woollen trousers, held up by a worn leather belt holding a hefty axe, a white linen shirt, and new, brown tanned leather boots, which still hurt to walk in. His eyes moved quickly from spot to spot on the lower part of the mountainside, he couldn’t see anyone, but was convinced that someone was there, following him. He thought he saw something moving down the mountainside, near the slope, so he quickly started moving again. “They’re going to catch me, they are , I know it!” He thought, “They won’t, you fool, you are halfway, and they’...

The fakeness of Politics..

Hey, what have you been up to since last time? Well, for a start, I've been watching the news enough to know that Hizbollah and Israel have entered this state of fake peace, and that both sides claims they've won. (Israel forces actually murdered 2 Hizbollah activists after the state of peace had begun) In my opinion most politicians are liars and it seems to me that israel's president is not unlike the biggest part of them. It can't be hard to say the words "Don't use any military force against Hizbollah activists". But I'm also sure that Hizbollah is probably preparing for or planning the next attack against israel. So frankly I do not know whom it is morally correct to support and I confess, I'm not sure I would support any of the sides even then. Its not as much that I do not know whom to support, its more that I don't support any of any side's actions, but enough about that. I've also watched the movie Pirates of the Carribean: Th...

I See Dumb Bloggers!

When I first started blogging all the other bloggers were, at least to some extent, intellectual. As the days passed however, more and more dumb bloggers popped up, copied someone else's posts, splashed ads all over the blog, and thought that someone would bother to stay long enough to click one ad. Thus, only the blogs owned by people that was to some extent intellectual, got readers. After a while though, people started paying attention to the dumb bloggers' babbling and ramblings, so now, every now and then, I see a blog with lots and lots of comments, but when i start reading through the posts, I don't understand why anyone would bother even reading it, Much less commenting it (unless the comment's sole purpose would be to make fun of the blog and its owner). These blogs that only posts things other people have written, or with things the owners have edited a word or two in and calls the post their own, and to top that, the whole blog is covered up in ugly ads tha...